Hence, in the above example, you could have just executed the go run app command.
Go will try to resolve the package from GOROOT or GOPATH directories and execute the main function. 💡 BTW, you can run an executable Go package from anywhere using go run command. Right click and select Run 'StatisticsUtilsTest' The Run window will pop up and start showing the progress of running through every test in the class. Let's run a test! In the test folder, open up .blueprints.todoapp and find the statistics sub-package. Now it have switched to complaining about 'You uploaded an APK that is not zip aligned. After doing this the uploads to Google Play now does not reject the app for not being signed. Creating a keystore goes fine, publishing the apk goes fine and signing it seems to work. You should try the following command to see if your 'run-as' command is 'broken' on this system: adb shell run-as. I get the following message 'Cannot run application. on first boot after a factory - flach (not usin ubuntu-device-flash) when there was no value for this + flash (not using ubuntu-device-flash) when there was no value for this property set prior to starting.